lobster thermidor...
delicious gin gimlets...
1996 in san francisco??

yeah. at the coconut grove. and if you're ready to dump some cash for some high class celebrating, give this place a try. this week they celebrated their one-year anniversary and i stopped by wednesday night to snap a few photos (and, of course, to enjoy the complimentary buffet and champagne). classy entertainment, diverse swank crowd and satisfying eats... our mayor willie brown even showed up...

well not exactly all the free champagne you can drink...
but each guest on the list got two drink tickets...

some guy once wrote and asked for snaps of bartenders...
(i'm bad with names... was it you?)
anyway, here ya go...

this dome at the entrance has a cool mural inside & out...
(i thought that was rita hayworth, but it's actually ann sheridan...!
painted by Catalina Gonzalez, a local artist...)

always good entertainment...
and a dance floor for strugglin' with that special someone...

| current snaps | past weeks | what? why? | feedback |

all images are copyright emilie wilson and
should not be reproduced
without permission.