ya want tourist spots?...
fine, have a little union square ...

people write in every week with comments about the snaps and you'd be surprised how many want me to cover "tourist" sites. this doesn't really interest me, but this week i took a stroll down to union square... you know, shopping/tourist/cable car haven. it does have history though, which is why it was named an official historical landmark on may 26, 1958 with a plaque honoring the first mayor of san francisco, john w. geary... if you find this week's installation uninspired... here's a reality check...

good ol' cable cars...
at the powell/market turnaround...

these kids were pretty tough to please...
but he did it.

this photo needed work...
a friend of mine offered to help...

recycled hanger art by robert...
new york, chicago, detroit, los angeles
and now san francisco...

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all images are copyright emilie wilson and
should not be reproduced
without permission.